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Friday, August 25, 2006

This is my 200th post.

Hahaha... It's kinda surprising for me because I just started this blog.... umm.. March palang... ayun.. haha..

anyway, we had to wear filipiniana costumes today......
then we had regular classes.. pfftt... haha.

Then we had our PA. tsk. I hate this subject. ahahahaha..
And this is the part where I go crazy. well, not really..
I wasn't doing anything when...
Ms. Escamillas said, "Calingacion and Lopez!"
Then everyone looked at us.

And I didn't find anything wrong. I wasn't even doing anything.
In my mind I was saying, "WTF?! I didn't do anything! What the heck is wrong with doing nothing?"

okay... I'm just not used to being called by the teacher. ahaha..
And it's just the second time the teacher ever called my name to scold me this school year. hahaha.
And it's by the same teacher. haha.
Then I found out that I had a classmate who was my neighbor. haha.
I never knew because I really don't talk to my neighbors. We are the only family that ever lived here for a long time and we don't even talk to our neighbors. hahahaha.

And I thought we weren't anti-social. hahaha.

anyway...... tomorrow's the game against St. Stephen's High School..... Hope we win..

I don't even know how i'll be going home. hahahaha.

Weirdly enough, I miss airplane food. Haha. I mean, I have ridden the airplane more than 5 times already during the US trip. And I got attached to Cathay Pacific's food. I hated it before. But I got used to it. haha. I even remember I used to get those small packets of UHT milk then putting it in my cup. Then I'd watch the movies on my screen then I'd fall asleep. Then next thing I knew, they were serving food again. It's really cool. Haha.

I remember, on our trip back home, we were going through Hong Kong first.. It was 3 or 4 am so there weren't much people in the airport.. We (Blu, Red and I) saw this playpen.. The huge flat screen TV was on, nobody was there and we had Cheetos by our side. Haha. It was my time to release the kid in me. hahahahah! I played with the toys.. then watched tv... then ate Cheetos.. It was really fun! I swear. I wish it happened again. Hahaha. memories talaga! haha. Next trip would be Australia i guess. hahaha.

posted by Clockwork Juice at 6:16 PM

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