i've been pretty much a limping assistant the whole day. bwahahaha. (okay, im the only one laughing)
i don't want to talk about that. i'm too lazy to type about that right now. (then why do i have a blog?)
there are so many things on my mind right now. But the only thing I'm sure of right now is that I'm excited for the trip to batangas! Still, I'm confused with the Lala outing. Pauline says it's going to be held at Tagaytay and it's this april. But how can it be held this april when we are going to batangas?
i don't know. i'm confused. my mind is temporarily broken.
*one moment please*
dooooo doooo
da da da
doooo dooo
da da da
okay. hahaha.
i don't know anymore.
but there's one thing more before that trip to batangas.
i have to sacrifice first.
Blood, sweat and tears.
Lord, help me go through this. Stay with me. Guide our team.
(aba, napaka-religous ha.)
I need to stay alive or else I'll be kicked out off the team.
Please pray for me!
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